F95 Strabismus (ICD-10:H50.9)

F94 Blindness (ICD-10:H54.0)

F93 Glaucoma (ICD-10:H40.9)

F92 Cataract (ICD-10:H26.9)

F91 Refractive error (ICD-10:H52.7)

Wound (ICPC-2: F88)

F86 Trachoma (ICD-10:A71)

F85 Corneal ulcer (ICD-10:H16.0)

F84 Macular degeneration (ICD-10:H35.3)

F83 Retinopathy (ICD-10:H35.9)

F82 Detached retina (ICD-10:H33.0)

F81 Congenital anomaly eye other (ICD-10:Q15.9)

F80 Blocked lacrimal duct of infant (ICD-10:Q10.5)

F79 Injury eye other (ICD-10:S05.8)

F76 Foreign body in eye (ICD-10:T15)

F75 Contusion/haemorrhage eye (ICD-10:S05.1)

F74 Neoplasm of eye/adnexa (ICD-10:C69, D31)

F73 Eye infection/inflammation other (ICD-10:H10.8)

F72 Blepharitis/stye/chalazion (ICD-10:H00, H01.0)

F71 Conjunctivitis allergic (ICD-10:H10.1)

F70 Conjunctivitis infectious (ICD-10:H10.9)

F29 Eye symptom/complaint other (ICD-10:H57.9)