Y04 Penis symptom/complaint other (ICD-10:N48.9)

January 7, 2025

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Penis symptom/complaint other refers to any abnormal or concerning symptoms or complaints related to the penis that are not specifically categorized under other diagnoses. These symptoms can vary and may indicate underlying conditions that require further evaluation and treatment. The aim of this guide is to provide healthcare professionals with a comprehensive approach to diagnosing and managing penis symptom/complaint other.


  • ICPC-2 Code: Y04 Penis symptom/complaint other
  • ICD-10 Code: N48.9 Disorder of penis, unspecified


  • Pain or discomfort in the penis[1]
  • Itching or rash on the penis[2]
  • Swelling or inflammation of the penis[3]
  • Changes in color or texture of the penis[4]
  • Abnormal discharge from the penis[5]
  • Erectile dysfunction or difficulty achieving/maintaining an erection[6]
  • Bleeding from the penis[7]
  • Foul odor from the penis[8]

These symptoms may vary depending on the underlying cause of the penis symptom/complaint.


  • Infection: such as urinary tract infection, sexually transmitted infections (STIs), or balanitis (inflammation of the head of the penis)[9]
  • Trauma or injury to the penis
  • Allergic reactions to certain substances or materials (e.g., latex condoms)
  • Dermatological conditions: such as psoriasis, eczema, or lichen sclerosus
  • Urethral stricture (narrowing of the urethra)
  • Peyronie’s disease (abnormal curvature of the penis)
  • Priapism (prolonged and painful erection)
  • Tumors or cancerous growths in the penis[10]

Diagnostic Steps

Medical History

  • Gather information about the patient’s symptoms, including the duration, severity, and any triggering factors
  • Ask about any previous medical conditions or surgeries related to the penis
  • Evaluate the patient’s sexual history, including number of sexual partners, condom use, and history of STIs
  • Assess for any underlying medical conditions or medications that may contribute to the symptoms

Physical Examination

  • Perform a thorough physical examination of the penis, including inspection and palpation
  • Assess for any abnormalities in color, texture, or presence of lesions or discharge
  • Evaluate the urethral opening for signs of inflammation or blockage
  • Palpate the penis for tenderness or abnormalities in shape or size
  • Examine the surrounding genital area for any additional findings

Laboratory Tests

  • Urinalysis: to evaluate for signs of infection or inflammation
  • STI testing: including tests for gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, and HIV
  • Blood tests: to assess for any underlying medical conditions, such as diabetes or hormonal imbalances

Diagnostic Imaging

  • Ultrasound: may be used to assess the blood flow to the penis or to evaluate for any structural abnormalities
  • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI): may be used in specific cases to further evaluate for tumors or cancerous growths

Other Tests

  • Biopsy: if there is suspicion of a tumor or cancerous growth, a biopsy may be performed to obtain a tissue sample for further evaluation
  • Uroflowmetry: a test to assess the flow rate and volume of urine, which can help evaluate for any urethral abnormalities or obstructions

Follow-up and Patient Education

  • Schedule a follow-up appointment to review the results of the diagnostic tests and discuss further management options
  • Provide patient education on safe sexual practices, hygiene, and any necessary lifestyle changes to prevent recurrence or worsening of symptoms

Possible Interventions

Traditional Interventions


Top 5 drugs for Penis symptom/complaint other:

  1. Topical antifungals (e.g., Clotrimazole, Miconazole):
    • Cost: $5-$15 for a tube of cream or ointment.
    • Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the medication.
    • Side effects: Skin irritation, burning sensation.
    • Severe side effects: Allergic reactions, severe skin reactions.
    • Drug interactions: None reported.
    • Warning: Avoid sexual intercourse during treatment.
  2. Topical corticosteroids (e.g., Hydrocortisone, Betamethasone):
    • Cost: $5-$20 for a tube of cream or ointment.
    • Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the medication, fungal or bacterial infections.
    • Side effects: Thinning of the skin, skin discoloration.
    • Severe side effects: None reported.
    • Drug interactions: None reported.
    • Warning: Avoid long-term use and over-application.
  3. Antibiotics (e.g., Doxycycline, Ciprofloxacin):
    • Cost: $5-$50 for a course of treatment.
    • Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the medication, pregnancy.
    • Side effects: Nausea, diarrhea.
    • Severe side effects: Photosensitivity, allergic reactions.
    • Drug interactions: Antacids, iron supplements.
    • Warning: Take with plenty of fluids and avoid sunlight exposure.
  4. Oral antifungals (e.g., Fluconazole, Itraconazole):
    • Cost: $10-$50 for a course of treatment.
    • Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the medication, liver disease.
    • Side effects: Nausea, headache.
    • Severe side effects: Liver damage, allergic reactions.
    • Drug interactions: Warfarin, certain heart medications.
    • Warning: Regular liver function tests may be required.
  5. Pain medications (e.g., Acetaminophen, Ibuprofen):
    • Cost: $5-$15 for a bottle of tablets.
    • Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to the medication, certain medical conditions (e.g., liver disease, stomach ulcers).
    • Side effects: Upset stomach, drowsiness.
    • Severe side effects: Liver damage, gastrointestinal bleeding.
    • Drug interactions: Blood thinners, certain antidepressants.
    • Warning: Follow the recommended dosage and avoid long-term use.

Alternative Drugs:

  • Antihistamines (e.g., Loratadine, Cetirizine): May help reduce itching or allergic reactions. Cost: $5-$20 for a bottle of tablets.
  • Immunosuppressants (e.g., Tacrolimus, Pimecrolimus): Used in certain inflammatory conditions. Cost: $50-$200 for a tube of cream or ointment.
  • Alpha-blockers (e.g., Tamsulosin, Alfuzosin): Can help relax the smooth muscle in the penis. Cost: $10-$50 for a bottle of tablets.

Surgical Procedures:

  • Circumcision: Surgical removal of the foreskin. Cost: $1,000-$3,000.
  • Urethral dilation: Widening of the urethra using a specialized instrument. Cost: $1,000-$5,000.
  • Excision of lesions or tumors: Surgical removal of abnormal growths in the penis. Cost: $2,000-$10,000.

Alternative Interventions

  • Acupuncture: May help reduce pain and inflammation. Cost: $60-$120 per session.
  • Herbal supplements: Some herbs, such as saw palmetto or ginseng, may have potential benefits for certain penis symptoms. Cost: Varies depending on the specific supplement.
  • Aromatherapy: Using essential oils, such as lavender or chamomile, may help promote relaxation and reduce symptoms. Cost: $20-$50 for a bottle of oil.

Lifestyle Interventions

  • Hygiene practices: Encourage proper cleaning of the penis with mild soap and warm water. Cost: Minimal.
  • Avoiding irritants: Advise patients to avoid substances or materials that may cause allergic reactions or irritation, such as certain soaps, detergents, or latex condoms. Cost: Minimal.
  • Stress reduction techniques: Suggest stress management techniques, such as exercise, meditation, or yoga, to help alleviate symptoms. Cost: Minimal.
  • Healthy lifestyle habits: Promote a healthy diet, regular exercise, and adequate sleep to support overall well-being. Cost: Varies depending on individual choices.

It is important to note that the cost ranges provided are approximate and may vary depending on the location and availability of the interventions. Patients should consult with their healthcare provider for personalized recommendations and cost information.

Mirari Cold Plasma Alternative Intervention

Understanding Mirari Cold Plasma

  • Safe and Non-Invasive Treatment: Mirari Cold Plasma is a safe and non-invasive treatment option for various skin conditions. It does not require incisions, minimizing the risk of scarring, bleeding, or tissue damage.
  • Efficient Extraction of Foreign Bodies: Mirari Cold Plasma facilitates the removal of foreign bodies from the skin by degrading and dissociating organic matter, allowing easier access and extraction.
  • Pain Reduction and Comfort: Mirari Cold Plasma has a local analgesic effect, providing pain relief during the treatment, making it more comfortable for the patient.
  • Reduced Risk of Infection: Mirari Cold Plasma has antimicrobial properties, effectively killing bacteria and reducing the risk of infection.
  • Accelerated Healing and Minimal Scarring: Mirari Cold Plasma stimulates wound healing and tissue regeneration, reducing healing time and minimizing the formation of scars.

Mirari Cold Plasma Prescription

Video instructions for using Mirari Cold Plasma Device – Y04 Penis symptom/complaint other (ICD-10:N48.9)

Mild Moderate Severe
Mode setting: 1 (Infection)
Location: 0 (Localized)
Morning: 15 minutes,
Evening: 15 minutes
Mode setting: 1 (Infection)
Location: 0 (Localized)
Morning: 30 minutes,
Lunch: 30 minutes,
Evening: 30 minutes
Mode setting: 1 (Infection)
Location: 0 (Localized)
Morning: 30 minutes,
Lunch: 30 minutes,
Evening: 30 minutes
Mode setting: 2 (Wound Healing)
Location: 0 (Localized)
Morning: 15 minutes,
Evening: 15 minutes
Mode setting: 2 (Wound Healing)
Location: 0 (Localized)
Morning: 30 minutes,
Lunch: 30 minutes,
Evening: 30 minutes
Mode setting: 2 (Wound Healing)
Location: 0 (Localized)
Morning: 30 minutes,
Lunch: 30 minutes,
Evening: 30 minutes
Mode setting: 5 (Prostatitis Therapy)
Location: 2 (Prostate & Uterus)
Morning: 15 minutes,
Evening: 15 minutes
Mode setting: 5 (Prostatitis Therapy)
Location: 2 (Prostate & Uterus)
Morning: 30 minutes,
Lunch: 30 minutes,
Evening: 30 minutes
Mode setting: 5 (Prostatitis Therapy)
Location: 2 (Prostate & Uterus)
Morning: 30 minutes,
Lunch: 30 minutes,
Evening: 30 minutes
Mode setting: 7 (Immunotherapy)
Location: 1 (Sacrum)
Morning: 15 minutes,
Evening: 15 minutes
Mode setting: 7 (Immunotherapy)
Location: 1 (Sacrum)
Morning: 30 minutes,
Lunch: 30 minutes,
Evening: 30 minutes
Mode setting: 7 (Immunotherapy)
Location: 1 (Sacrum)
Morning: 30 minutes,
Lunch: 30 minutes,
Evening: 30 minutes
Morning: 60 minutes approx. $10 USD,
Evening: 60 minutes approx. $10 USD
Morning: 120 minutes approx. $20 USD,
Lunch: 120 minutes approx. $20 USD,
Evening: 120 minutes approx. $20 USD,
Morning: 120 minutes approx. $20 USD,
Lunch: 120 minutes approx. $20 USD,
Evening: 120 minutes approx. $20 USD,
Usual treatment for 7-60 days approx. $140 USD $1200 USD Usual treatment for 6-8 weeks approx. $2,520 USD $3,360 USD
Usual treatment for 3-6 months approx. $5,400 USD $10,800 USD
Location note miraridoctor 1
  • Localized (0)
  • Sacrum (1)
  • Prostate & Uterus (2)
  • Kidney, Liver & Spleen (3)
  • Heart, Bile & Pancreas (4)
  • Lungs (5)
  • Throat, Lymphatic & Thyroid (6)
  • Neuro system & ENT (7)

Use the Mirari Cold Plasma device to treat Penis symptom/complaint other effectively.


Step 1: Cleanse the Skin

  • Start by cleaning the affected area of the skin with a gentle cleanser or mild soap and water. Gently pat the area dry with a clean towel.

Step 2: Prepare the Mirari Cold Plasma device

  • Ensure that the Mirari Cold Plasma device is fully charged or has fresh batteries as per the manufacturer’s instructions. Make sure the device is clean and in good working condition.
  • Switch on the Mirari device using the power button or by following the specific instructions provided with the device.
  • Some Mirari devices may have adjustable settings for intensity or treatment duration. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions to select the appropriate settings based on your needs and the recommended guidelines.

Step 3: Apply the Device

  • Place the Mirari device in direct contact with the affected area of the skin. Gently glide or hold the device over the skin surface, ensuring even coverage of the area experiencing.
  • Slowly move the Mirari device in a circular motion or follow a specific pattern as indicated in the user manual. This helps ensure thorough treatment coverage.

Step 4: Monitor and Assess:

  • Keep track of your progress and evaluate the effectiveness of the Mirari device in managing your Penis symptom/complaint other. If you have any concerns or notice any adverse reactions, consult with your health care professional.


This guide is for informational purposes only and should not replace the advice of a medical professional. Always consult with your healthcare provider or a qualified medical professional for personal advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Do not solely rely on the information presented here for decisions about your health. Use of this information is at your own risk. The authors of this guide, nor any associated entities or platforms, are not responsible for any potential adverse effects or outcomes based on the content.

Mirari Cold Plasma System Disclaimer

  • Purpose: The Mirari Cold Plasma System is a Class 2 medical device designed for use by trained healthcare professionals. It is registered for use in Thailand and Vietnam. It is not intended for use outside of these locations.
  • Informational Use: The content and information provided with the device are for educational and informational purposes only. They are not a substitute for professional medical advice or care.
  • Variable Outcomes: While the device is approved for specific uses, individual outcomes can differ. We do not assert or guarantee specific medical outcomes.
  • Consultation: Prior to utilizing the device or making decisions based on its content, it is essential to consult with a Certified Mirari Tele-Therapist and your medical healthcare provider regarding specific protocols.
  • Liability: By using this device, users are acknowledging and accepting all potential risks. Neither the manufacturer nor the distributor will be held accountable for any adverse reactions, injuries, or damages stemming from its use.
  • Geographical Availability: This device has received approval for designated purposes by the Thai and Vietnam FDA. As of now, outside of Thailand and Vietnam, the Mirari Cold Plasma System is not available for purchase or use.


  1. Gordhan CG, Sadeghi-Nejad H. Scrotal pain: evaluation and management. Korean J Urol. 2015;56(1):3-11.
  2. Wray AA, Velasquez J, Khetarpal S. Balanitis. In: StatPearls. Treasure Island (FL): StatPearls Publishing; 2023.
  3. Bickley LS, Szilagyi PG, Hoffman RM. Bates’ Guide to Physical Examination and History Taking. 12th ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2017.
  4. Teichman JM, Sea J, Thompson IM, Elston DM. Noninfectious penile lesions. Am Fam Physician. 2010;81(2):167-174.
  5. Workowski KA, Bolan GA; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Sexually transmitted diseases treatment guidelines, 2015. MMWR Recomm Rep. 2015;64(RR-03):1-137.
  6. Yafi FA, Jenkins L, Albersen M, et al. Erectile dysfunction. Nat Rev Dis Primers. 2016;2:16003.
  7. Muneer A, Arya M. Urethral bleeding. BMJ. 2012;344:e2178.
  8. Edwards S. Balanitis and balanoposthitis: a review. Genitourin Med. 1996;72(3):155-159.
  9. Chia JK, Chia AY. Balanitis and balanoposthitis: a review. Genitourin Med. 1996;72(3):155-159.
  10. Hakenberg OW, Compérat EM, Minhas S, et al. EAU guidelines on penile cancer: 2014 update. Eur Urol. 2015;67(1):142-150.
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