Portable handheld
Fast Charger
Inactivates bacteria, viruses, fungi and multi-resistant pathogensNon-invasive treatment
Improving blood circulation
Wide range of indications
Surface-modification Array
What is Plasma?
Plasma is the fourth state of matter, joining solids, liquids, and gases. When a gas is heated to extremely high temperatures, some electrons are stripped from their atoms, forming a mixture of positively charged ions and negatively charged electrons. This ionized gas is called plasma and is distinct from the other states of matter due to its unique properties and behavior.
Examples of Plasma in nature
While plasma in the wild tends to be extremely hot, we can produce a "cold plasma" by partially ionizing a gas utilizing electrical currents. This permits the generation of plasma at atmospheric pressure and at temperatures benign enough for medical usages.Cold Plasma
Cold plasma contains a mixture of energized electrons, charged particles, excited atoms and molecules, reactive chemical compounds (e.g., O3, NO, NO2), visible light, UV radiation, and thermal energy.
Together, these elements eliminate or deactivate bacteria, viruses, and fungi while simultaneously stimulating the human body's natural healing mechanisms.
Cold plasma is able to kill or disable bacteria, viruses, and fungi, including antibiotic resistant strains.Ions and electrons
bombard the skin surface and break hydrogen bonds of organic molecules, such as those forming cellular membranes of bacteria and viruses. Electrons have the highest penetration depth and can penetrate through wet layers on the skin. Elections also react with water to create reactive oxygen species which kill microorganisms. Ions also dissolve into the water making it more acidic and inhospitable.
Reactive oxygen species
are oxygen atoms and chemically active molecules containing oxygen in ground or excited states, as well as their ions. Hydroxyl radicals (OH) react very quickly with organic molecules removing hydrogen atoms and producing alkyl radicals, which rapidly oxidize in air. They destroy the capsules and cell walls of bacteria, fungi, and viruses, which leads to cell death. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) is a strong disinfectant that can penetrate into the bacterial cell nucleus, where it can damage the DNA molecules and killing the cell. Ozone (O3) is a powerful oxidant that destroys the cell walls.
Reactive nitrogen species
such as nitric oxide (NO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), peroxynitrite anion (ONOO−), nitrous acid (HNO2) are less reactive compared to the oxygen species, but they can also penetrate into tissues and have an anti-microbial effect.
Ultraviolet radiation
is very effective at disinfecting. It damages DNA and inhibits bacterial replication. However, the Mirari device does not produce significant levels of UV radiation as excess UV radiation is harmful to human skin.
Heat and visible light
are created in small amounts. Although they are the only components that humans can directly experience, they do not have a significant medical effect on the skin.
Electromagnetic radiation
is produced by all electronic devices. It is harmless byproduct that has no medical effect.