Top 10 Diaper Rash Creams Moms Swear By!

June 23, 2024

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Every parent wants to keep their baby’s sensitive skin healthy and free from the painful, irritating redness of diaper rash. With so many diaper rash creams on the market, it can be overwhelming to find the right one for your little one. We’ve rounded up the top diaper rash creams recommended by pediatricians and loved by moms to help soothe your baby’s sore bum. Whether you’re looking for natural diaper rash creamscreams for sensitive skin, ones with zinc oxide, or affordable options, we’ve got you covered.

What Causes Diaper Rash?

Before we dive into the best treatments, it’s important to understand what causes this common skin condition. Diaper rash occurs when the skin is irritated by prolonged exposure to wetness from urine or stool. The combination of moisture, friction from the diaper, and lack of air circulation can break down the skin’s protective barrier.

Some common causes and risk factors for diaper rash include:

  • Infrequent diaper changes
  • Chafing or rubbing from a poor-fitting diaper
  • Introduction of new foods
  • Diarrhea
  • Use of antibiotics (in baby or breastfeeding mom)
  • Sensitive skin
  • Yeast infection

While diaper rash is usually not serious, it can cause significant discomfort for your baby. Fortunately, most cases can be treated at home with some simple steps and the right diaper rash cream.

How to Prevent Diaper Rash

The best way to deal with diaper rash is to prevent it from happening in the first place. Here are some tips to keep your baby’s bum healthy:

  1. Change diapers frequently, especially after bowel movements.
  2. Gently clean the diaper area with water and a soft cloth or cotton balls. Avoid wipes that contain alcohol or fragrance.
  3. Pat the skin dry. Don’t rub!
  4. Allow the area to air out before putting on a new diaper.
  5. Apply a thick layer of diaper rash cream or ointment at each change to protect the skin.
  6. Make sure diapers fit properly – not too tight or too loose.
  7. Consider using fragrance-free and hypoallergenic products.

If, despite your best efforts at prevention, your baby still develops diaper rash, don’t worry. There are many effective treatments available over the counter.

Ingredients to Look for in a Diaper Rash Cream

When shopping for a diaper rash cream, you’ll notice a variety of active ingredients. Here are some of the most common and what they do:

  • Zinc oxide: This is the active ingredient in many diaper rash creams. It works by forming a protective barrier on the skin to seal out moisture and promote healing. Look for creams with a high percentage of zinc oxide (up to 40%) for maximum strength.
  • Petrolatum: Also known as petroleum jelly, this occlusive ingredient prevents water loss and helps protect the skin. It’s often used in combination with other ingredients.
  • Dimethicone: This silicone-based polymer reduces friction and forms a water-repellent coating on the skin. It’s used in many creams for its protective properties.
  • Natural ingredients: Many parents prefer creams with natural ingredients like aloe veracalendulashea butter, and coconut oil. These soothing botanicals can help calm inflammation and nourish the skin.

Now that you know what to look for, let’s get into our top picks for the best diaper rash creams.

Top 10 Diaper Rash Creams

1. Desitin Maximum Strength Baby Diaper Rash Cream

Desitin is a trusted brand recommended by many pediatricians. Their maximum strength formula contains 40% zinc oxide, the highest level available without a prescription. This thick, protective paste is clinically proven to reduce redness and irritation within 12 hours. It’s hypoallergenic and free of dyes, parabens, and phthalates.

Moms love how well it works on stubborn rashes. “This is my go-to for overnight when I know I’ll be going longer between changes. It’s like a miracle cream!” says Sarah, mom of two.

2. Boudreaux’s Butt Paste Diaper Rash Ointment

Developed by a pharmacist and father of four, this cult favorite is known for its fast-acting formula. It contains 16% zinc oxide along with soothing aloe and vitamin E. The thick paste goes on smoothly and creates a protective barrier on the skin.

“I love that it’s not sticky or greasy like some other creams. It cleared up my daughter’s rash so quickly!” raves Emily, a first-time mom.

3. Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment

While not marketed specifically for diaper rash, this multipurpose ointment is a diaper bag staple for many parents. The petrolatum-based formula is designed to enhance healing and soothe minor skin irritations. It’s fragrance-free and hypoallergenic, making it ideal for sensitive skin.

“I use this for everything – diaper rash, dry skin, even chapped lips. It’s gentle enough for my newborn,” says Maria, mom of three.

4. Triple Paste Medicated Ointment for Diaper Rash

This pharmacist-recommended cream is a favorite for stubborn, hard-to-treat rashes. It contains 12.8% zinc oxide and a special blend of soothing ingredients like oat extract and beeswax. The fragrance-free formula goes on thick but is easy to spread.

“My son had a terrible rash that wouldn’t go away with other creams. Triple Paste cleared it up in just a few days. It’s amazing!” says Lauren, mom of a toddler.

5. A+D Original Diaper Rash Ointment

This classic ointment has been around for over 50 years. It contains dimethicone and petrolatum to protect and soothe chafed skin. The formula also includes lanolin, a natural moisturizer derived from sheep’s wool. While it’s not as thick as some other pastes, many parents find it easier to apply.

“I love how smoothly it goes on and how well it moisturizes. It’s my favorite for preventing rashes,” says Karen, a daycare provider.

6. Burt’s Bees Baby Bee Diaper Ointment

For parents looking for a natural option, this 100% natural diaper rash cream is a great choice. It contains 40% zinc oxide along with shea butter, lavender oil, and jojoba seed oil. The formula is fragrance-free and contains no parabens, phthalates, or petrolatum.

“I love that it’s made with natural ingredients but still works really well. It smells great too!” says Amanda, an eco-conscious mom.

7. Weleda Diaper Care Cream

This natural diaper rash cream from European brand Weleda uses a blend of calendula, chamomile, and sweet almond oil to soothe and protect delicate skin. It’s free of synthetic preservatives, fragrances, and mineral oils. The creamy formula spreads easily and has a pleasant, subtle scent.

“I started using this when my son developed eczema and it’s been wonderful. His skin is so much healthier now,” says Rachel, mom of a baby with sensitive skin.

8. Earth Mama Organic Diaper Balm

Certified organic by the USDA, this natural diaper rash cream contains a blend of herbs and oils like calendulashea butter, and jojoba. It’s cloth diaper safe and contains no petroleum, mineral oil, parabens, or artificial fragrance. The smooth balm melts on contact with skin for easy application.

“I cloth diaper and love that this balm doesn’t affect the absorbency. It heals rashes quickly and I feel good putting it on my baby,” says Jen, a green mama.

9. Honest Diaper Rash Cream

From Jessica Alba’s natural baby care line, this diaper rash cream contains 14% zinc oxide along with coconut oil and shea butter. It’s hypoallergenic and does not contain parabens, synthetic fragrances, silicones, petrolatum, or mineral oil. The non-sticky formula goes on smoothly.

“I trust Honest products because I know they’re made without harsh chemicals. This cream works well and I love the easy-to-use flip top lid,” says Stephanie, a busy mom of twins.

10. Babo Botanicals Soothing Diaper Cream

This EWG Verified™ cream contains 25% zinc oxide blended with organic calendulajojoba, and coconut oil. It’s vegan, gluten-free, and made without harsh chemicals or synthetic fragrances. The thick, rich texture creates a protective barrier on the skin.

“I love supporting B Corp brands like Babo. This cream is gentle, effective, and not tested on animals,” says Melissa, a conscious consumer.

How to Choose the Right Diaper Rash Cream for Your Baby

With so many great options, how do you choose? Here are some factors to consider:

  • Ingredients: Look for creams with proven effective ingredients like zinc oxide and petrolatum. If you prefer natural ingredients, opt for ones with soothing botanicals.
  • Consistency: Some creams are thicker than others. Thicker pastes can be more effective for preventing and treating rashes, but thinner creams may be easier to apply.
  • Cloth diaper compatibility: If you use cloth diapers, choose a cream without petroleum or fish oil which can affect absorbency. Look for ones labeled “cloth diaper safe.”
  • Fragrance: Babies’ skin can be sensitive to fragrance. If your little one is prone to irritation, opt for fragrance-free formulas.
  • Skin sensitivity: If your baby has sensitive skin or eczema, choose creams that are hypoallergenic and free of common irritants like parabens and phthalates.
  • Budget: Diaper rash creams can vary in price. You don’t necessarily need the most expensive one – find something that works for your baby and fits your budget.

Remember, every baby’s skin is unique, so what works for one may not work for another. Don’t be afraid to try a few different creams to find the perfect match for your little one’s bum!

When to See a Doctor

Most diaper rashes can be treated successfully at home with over-the-counter creams and some extra TLC. However, there are times when you should seek medical attention:

  • The rash is severe or not improving after a few days of home treatment
  • The rash is spreading or looks infected (oozing, blistering, bleeding)
  • Your baby has a fever or seems unwell
  • You suspect a yeast infection (bright red rash with defined borders, satellite lesions)

If you’re ever unsure, it’s always best to consult your baby’s pediatrician. They can assess the rash and recommend appropriate treatment.

The Bottom Line

Diaper rash is a common condition that most babies experience at some point. While it can be distressing for both baby and parents, the good news is that it’s usually easily treatable with the right diaper rash cream. By choosing a cream with effective ingredients, being diligent about diaper changes and skin care, and knowing when to seek medical help, you can keep your baby’s bum healthy, happy, and rash-free!


Can I use diaper rash cream with every diaper change?

Yes, you can use a thin layer of cream with each change to prevent rashes. For active rashes, apply a thicker layer.

How long does diaper rash usually last?

Most rashes improve within 2-3 days with home treatment. If it persists or worsens after a few days, see your pediatrician.

Can I use diaper rash cream on other parts of my baby’s body?

While these creams are formulated for the diaper area, some can be used to soothe other minor skin irritations. Check the label or ask your doctor to be sure.

Is it normal for diaper rash cream to be thick and hard to spread?

Yes, many zinc oxide based creams are very thick. This helps them adhere to the skin and create a protective barrier. You can try warming the cream between your fingers to make it more spreadable.

Can adults use diaper rash cream?

While marketed for babies, the ingredients in diaper rash creams can be helpful for treating chafing, irritation, and minor skin rashes in adults too. Many runners and cyclists swear by it!

In summary, the top 10 diaper rash creams moms love are:

  1. Desitin Maximum Strength Baby Diaper Rash Cream
  2. Boudreaux’s Butt Paste Diaper Rash Ointment
  3. Aquaphor Baby Healing Ointment
  4. Triple Paste Medicated Ointment for Diaper Rash
  5. A+D Original Diaper Rash Ointment
  6. Burt’s Bees Baby Bee Diaper Ointment
  7. Weleda Diaper Care Cream
  8. Earth Mama Organic Diaper Balm
  9. Honest Diaper Rash Cream
  10. Babo Botanicals Soothing Diaper Cream

When choosing a cream, consider the ingredientsconsistencycloth diaper compatibilityfragranceskin sensitivity, and your budget. By selecting the right cream for your baby and being diligent about diaper changes and skin care, you can prevent and treat most cases of diaper rash at home. Remember to see your pediatrician if the rash is severe or not improving. With these tips and product recommendations, you’re well equipped to tackle the diaper rash battle and keep your baby’s bum soft, soothed, and healthy!

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